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Latest Annex Bulletin... IBM in Troubled Waters Again (Historical analysis of IBM ebbs and flows; long term outlook and recommendations for change)


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Annex Research is one of the best recognized and most often quoted market intelligence and computer industry consulting firms in the world. Founded in 1978, it serves a select clientele of senior IT executives and investors.  Annex has helped to shape competitive strategies of some of the computer industry’s most prominent companies.

Apart from its highly personalized Comprehensive Market Service, Annex keeps its customers informed through the industry’s most influential and prophetic reports, the Annex Bulletins, its highly acclaimed Executive Workshops.

Acknowledged by many as being one of the most responsive research firms in the industry, Annex Research comes very close to the modern vision of a “horizontal” company.

Unlike many in the industry, our top analyst and president, Bob Djurdjevic, is not separated from his clients by many layers of staff. When a client calls and needs information, they get our best shot, from the beginning. We do not have to “kick the question upstairs” or convene a committee meeting to get your answers.

What sets Djurdjevic apart from other IT analysts/consultants? In short, he knows his stuff. Djurdjevic has been tracking, analyzing and consulting in this industry longer than most analysts have even been in the business. And doing it successfully.

Check out Djurdjevic's proven 30-year+ track record of excellence in forecasting. His keen business sense, developed through practical hands-on experience, accompanied with his extensive understanding of the global IT marketplace, have made him a key resource for any IT company seeking to truly understand its competitors and maximize its long-term growth strategies.

But don’t take our word for it, take a look at what some key IT players have said.

Djurdjevic’s opinions are also cited as expert opinion in top business and trade media. His columns have appeared in a number of prominent publications in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia and Australia. 

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Annex Research                                      
Haiku, Hawaii and Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A.

 For more information, E-mail us at: annex@djurdjevic.com


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